Short Summary: This article will show you how you can install Hugo on a raspberry ARMv71/armhf) architecture – which is what the more recent Raspberry Pi’s are reporting at in modern OS’s – despite the fact Hugo’s project doesn’t publish the armhf package on their GitHub page.

Preparing the System

I’m going to assume you have Raspberry Pi 3b, or another raspberry pi that uses armv71/armhf architecture. I’m also assuming you use Raspbian, or another OS that can use debian packages.

Install prerequisites

I only needed libsass1 on my system, but here are all the dependencies I could find for hugo:

sudo apt-get install libsass1 libc6 libgcc1 libstdc++6

If your distribution can’t download that, you might be able to find a similar package you can install manually like we do in the next step.

Download & Install Hugo

Grab the package directly from Debian:

sudo dpkg -i hugo_0.53-3_armhf.deb 

This should leave you with either a broken install, suggesting more packages to install, or a working Hugo install!

If you are missing more dependencies, you can try and run the following to resolve them:

sudo apt-get install -y (package given by an error message)
# Try to auto-resolve the issue
sudo apt install --fix-broken -y

My use Case

Most people don’t want a long story up front – “Just get to the steps!” – so here’s my story: This website is built with Hugo, and I wanted to run the Hugo dev server and code IDE on my Pi. Hugo, unfortunately, does not publish an armhf package on their GitHub releases page, so I looked around for solutions. The first one I thought was to build it myself, but after a few minutes, I realized that will be annoying extra step.. So another quick search and I found Debian (which Raspbian is based on) does make a Hugo package for armhf! Presto, problem solved, and article made to share!

Hope this helps someone!